Building a Solid Foundation – Sharing Our Stories

Guwaali’s education is developed with the needs of the client’s journey as paramount.

Remember we're discussing more than 60,000 years and 230 odd years since the “First Fleet” in these sessions.

We have a shared history.

Let's discuss where we were, where we are and where we can be.

It is the continuing of the Journey of self-awareness, self-analysis and self-development……

It must be noted as in life, it is connectivity; subjects are interrelated and symbiotic of each other.

Naturally two days training will augment time, components and content to be discussed.


The following are subjects/components available, but not limited to in the Cross Cultural Training:


Pre/Post Colonisation Policy & Impacts Sorry Business
Land Councils Aboriginality Culture
Kinship Education Recruitment/Retention
Land Management Diversity Racism
Health Stolen Generations Reconciliation
Economic Development Mission Life Closing the Gap